Re: Project Idea

Hi Chris -

Personally I think it's a great idea, and I encourage you to follow 
through on it.

Offhand I'm not thinking of any particular papers that are extremely 
directly relevant, although any of the papers about matchmaking or 
planning with Semantic Web Services has clear relevance.

In essence this seems to be just that - a matchmaking problem but 
perhaps with some additional context that could make things interesting.

You might check the MyGrid project's publications.  I recall they have a 
development environment that tries to suggest relevant existing services 
to a developer who is creating a service composition.  There are other 
projects around doing similar things; hopefully you'll get some other 

Also, I would encourage you to look at the KBSE and ASE (Knowledge-Based 
Software Engineering and Automatic Software Engineering) literature from 
10-20 years ago.  That community did some good work in this area, 
non-Web-based but otherwise directly relevant.  I've been wishing for 
some time that the SWS community were drawing more heavily on that work.

David Martin

Chris Bourke wrote:

> Hello, this is my first post to this listserv, so forgive me if I break
> any protocols.  I'm a graduate student currently taking a course in
> Semantic Web technologies.  For our class, we have to do a semester long
> group project.  I proposed a project to my instructor that uses Semantic
> Web Services technologies to markup open-source (or proprietary source)
> programming libraries (APIs) so that agents could be designed for software
> projects.  Project designers would give high level descriptions of
> objects/functions/etc that would be required and an agent could be sent
> out to find appropriate source code that was already designed for the
> task, thus streamlining reusability in code.
> I was wondering if anyone had any useful input into a project like this;
> specifically has anyone in the community already suggested something to
> this effect or could you direct me to papers/resources that discuss
> something similar?
> Thanks in advance.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Chris Bourke

Received on Monday, 28 February 2005 20:29:16 UTC