Re: profilehierarchy

Thanks for your interest.
  I undestood that every service profile can be associated with different  profile hierarchies, but let me consider the following distributed  scenario:
  Service A associated with profileheirarchyX, and found on server I;
  Service B associated with profilehierarchyY and found on server II;
  Through composition a new Service C is created by combining Services A  and B and the developer associates its profile with a profileHierarchy  Z...
  Does this mean that any reference to profilehierarchies X and Y is lost due to the combination process? 
  If I wanted to know which profile hierarchies are associated to services A and B, what would be the best thing to do?
  thanks again

Danilo Ercoli <> wrote:   trying to understand the issues behind profilehierarchy ontology. In
> CongoBuy profile this is associated with the BookSelling concept. Though
> this is a composite service made up of other services, there is no
> association of these other services, atomic or composite with the
> profilehierarchy ontology. Is this done to
> 1. keep the profilehierarchy to the bare minimum required, or
> 2. its not envisioned that every OWL-S service atomic or not be associated
> with such categorisation, but only the top level service is or
> 3. maybe something is missing?

Il Profilo di un servizio puo' appartenere ad una o piu' categorie
definite in una qualche ontologia (Ho usato il termine categorie, ma
alla fine dei conti sono concetti definiti in OWL) . In particolare,
nell'ontologia da te citata, sono state definite diverse tipologie di
servizio per la vendita on/line. (Ma questo credo ti sia chiaro).
Non c'e' collegamento col Service Process, e' quindi solamente il
profilo a definire la categoria. Anche se il profilo referenzia un
processo composito. Resta il fatto che un servizio puo' pubblicare
piu' profili e quindi puo' appartenere a piu'di una categoria in
precedenza definite.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto.


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