some question about Process.owl concepts

   first of all thanks for your attention and excuse me for my bad english 
and the, maybe "stupid", question I'll ask you.

- I can't understand the purpose of maintaining both "hasOutput" and 
"hasResult" property.
  If a Process has some unConditionalOutputs, they can be specified in a 
Result instance with no
  inCondition property set. So why preserve "hasOutput"?
  I think that removing "hasOutput" property, defining the outputs of a 
Process will be more simple,
  better, you'll have only a  unique way of specify them.

- Wich purpose has the property "parameterValue"? Is it the specification of 
a range of possible value or the specification of the actual value of the 

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Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 11:22:55 UTC