Executing OWL-S/Profile

 I have two simple questions:
 1)I have created all set of owl-s, actually I changed the BravoAir example
into a Calculator one, with 3 atomic services(Addition, Subtraction and
Multiplication), my goal right now is only to know how owl-s works, and than
I will create effectively web services(IOPE). So my question is, how can I
execute this composition? How can I get my three composed responses? I need
to use an inference engine, like Jena? Or that are some "black box" to
execute the CalculatorProcess.owl?
 2) Where in the profile I position my classes,indeed, where I make a
reference to my all OWL that I "cut" a little part to make this example, is
that in the Profile Attributes, precisely in the service Category or in the
profileHierarchy ?

Thanks in advance,

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 09:55:12 UTC