- From: Daniela CLARO <daniela.claro@eseo.fr>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 10:00:19 +0200
- To: <public-sws-ig@w3.org>
Hi all, I am beginning with OWL-S and I have studied the SEVICE PROFILE. I started studying RDF and OWL, and when I began studying owl-s, specifically the profile, I did not understand how I will manage the hierarchy concepts. I read the technical overview trying to matching the BravoAir example and I suppose the profileHierarchy tag is for doing that, but I really do not understand how. I will explain in more details, suppose I have a service “bank”(many owl example use that), that right now I do not know what is its propose. I(my agent) only want to discover services that have relations with bank-money, financial and economic areas. In OWL we have an hierarchy that we can distinguish between bank - economical things and bank - wood seat and so my concept “bank” are founded or asking the user about which one or matching more words to cross bank and economical, for example. Thus, what I want to know is where in the profile, I will create this hierarchy, or where I will reference my service X in one OWL in order to discover the right service, because I did not understand how my agent will find my semantic service. What am I thinking wrong? What am I making confusion? Is it described with pofileHierarchy tag? If yes, how can I do it? Any comments will be very appreciate, Daniela __________________________________________ CLARO BARREIRO, Daniela Ph.D. Student Université d'Angers - ESEO Angers, France
Received on Friday, 17 September 2004 07:59:07 UTC