Re: [owl-s] communication between web services

> [Sam Watkins]
> Obviously, this requires the author of the mediator to be fluent in =
> terms of both ontologies in order to conserve meaning.
> I think it is interesting to find the means of constructing these =
> mediators without the author having to be fluent in OWL-S (or any other =
> ontology description language) but just in the meaning of the =
> ontologies.

It's difficult to see what you envisage.

> While this would allow assisted composition using mediators, rather than =
> fully automated composition, I think this would be a good stepping stone =
> towards automated composition.

Fully automated composition would presumably require the computer to
be as smart and knowledgeable as we are.  That's not going to happen
in the foreseeable future.

                                   -- Drew McDermott
                                      Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Friday, 17 September 2004 01:21:14 UTC