- From: Sheila McIlraith <sheila@cs.toronto.edu>
- Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 23:10:34 -0500
- To: public-sws-ig@w3.org
====================================================================== SWSL Teleconference Notes Thursday Feburary 12, 2004 ====================================================================== Attendees ---------- Karl Aberer Daniela Berardi Richard Goodwin Benjamin Grosof Michael Kifer Sheila McIlraith (scribe) Bijan Parsia David Martin Frank McCabe Terry Payne ------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Action Items: BP: Will set up IRC log->scribe notes for next time DM: Will query list regarding possible new telecon time 1pm EST, Thursdays DM: Will investigate whether the SWSL F2F location can be changed a this late date TP: Will scribe next week ------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Topics Discussed: Admin: - using IRC chat to generate scribe notes - scribe notes from 2 weeks ago - telecon time - location of SWSL F2F Foundational: - ensuring we have impact, given other growing efforts (w3c, oasis, etc.) Technical: - WSDL Typing: including an OWL component into imminent WSDL document? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANK MCCABE DM: Welcome to Frank McCabe who joins SWSL for the first time! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITATING SCRIBE NOTES Proposal for different way to produce scribe notes IRC log -> scribe notes -> edit it later more than one person helping with notes ACTION ITEM: Bijan will set up something for next time unix/linux: xchat (all you need, oldest most mature, poorer ui, best for firewalls) mozilla has the chat client built in (will do in a pinch) (hundreds) -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES FROM 2 WEEKS AGO DM: Admin: - Terry posted minutes from 2 weeks ago TP: Please check minutes. If they're OK Terry will ensure they're posted to the interest group. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGING TIME OF TELECON DM: We all have some European & Cdn voices causing trouble about the schedule. DM open to a round of revisitng the schedule, since it's late for Eruopean folks. MK: Can we move just the time rather than the day. BP: I'd do Tuesdya morning in a hot second. ***** Static **** Lost connection *********** BP: Normally WSDL telecons 11-12:30 EST Can start at 1pm EST (1.5 hrs earlier than now) MK: Will it help Europeans? KA: Definitely yes! MK: Any objections from those present? All: No objections to Thursday. 6pm England 7pm in Central Europe 1pm EDT 10am PDT DM: ACTION: Will send message regarding possible new time to list --------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME AND LOCATION OF F2F DM: F2F unlikely to be changed at this time. Exact schedule: F2F Sunday and Monday following WWW SWSI F2F: May 23, 24 DAML PI Meeting May 25 - ??? VARIOUS: Discussion of expenses, whether to go to Bell Labs Discussion of how bad schedule and cost is. Try very hard not to co-locate it with DAML in the future. TP: Come to Europe next time DM: Time for more conversation on SWSL all KA: Not participating that much because Fensel's European projects starting up. Proposes stronger involvement from europeans. Invite more people from these projects. MG: Thought that it was meant to be that way. DM: Agrees w/ KA - pursue more Euro contacts KA: KnOWLedgeWare sponsored workhsop in Crete will be in June. (KnOWLedgeWare is the follow-on to OntoWeb) MK: Probably a little too late. BP: Suggest the chairs take an action item to investigate whether too late for this time around. DM: ACTION: Will talk to DAML people about whether it's too late to more meeting --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENSURING IMPACT: ESTABLISHING/MAINTIANING CONNECTIONS & INFLUENCE BG: Write letter to W3C and Oasis (WS security) about formal cooperation with ws choreography. we need to think about our strategy re: coordination & cooperation w/ other efforts. BP: Agree, WSI too. BG: Previously we decided to pack committeees (Bijan and Katia have been doing this). There are several other groups that we have little communication w/ who are tromping on our turf. Steve Ross-Talbot says we could do a lot ot raise our profile. BP: insight into ws choreography: Jim Hendler on it, now subbed by grad student WSC still floundering Subset interested in adding semantics (value add) but don't have ton of expertise. Steve Ross Talbot always encouraging. FM Main issue w/ Choreogrpahy work is microsoft Specific suggestions 1. Outreach: If we wnat to promote, must go to them a) larger membership. encourage to also be part of X b)Focus on core values: what is the fulcrum about which everythign will turn and focus on this. BG: many ways to do outreach. Big financial step for academics because of membership costs. Thus, one way to do is to make outbound activities inbound. E.g., ask people to come in to talk to us (e.g. guest appearances: Frank Leyman, Rania, etc.) Will motivate them to read our stuff and vice versa. BP: Be more active about organizing responses to public documents. E.g. have impact at key times. BG: Organize our contact lists. Who we know at more or less personal levels.... Know who to ping periodically to find out when these committtees are coming up for air. BP: let's move on. I want to talk about WSDL Typing. DM: Right --------------- WSDL TYPING BP: Possible augmentation to WSDL Spec. Do b4 last call. Last call wil be May Trying to finalize tech plenary in march. Better to do now. Using OWL as type system for WSDL fairly complex. MAy take time to come to consensus about this. DM: Let's move on to this. BP: Has everyone followed the thread on public_swsig? Here's a precis In WSDL you have - interfaces (use to be ??) they have - operations (a msg exhcnage paetter in-out in-out-out-out - message types for each posn in the message exchagne patter e.g., out and msg must conform to msg schem pattern in wsdl no execution semantics (e.g, what causes, etc.) now, built into wsdl, can associate slot to a particular XML schema element declaration e.g., that top level tag has to be address, at least one street address sub element, state option, etc. In appendicies of WSDL some nonmormative DTD Relax.... Schemas To do must - extend type element (show to embed or reference) - add ability to reference from descriptions of messages in the operation. Question: Do we want to push for nonnomrative or normative to describe with OWL typing? Might be a little problematic Basically we need to decide: - a particular message is described by OWL class, must use uninteresting OWL classes e.g., messages. not places, people. There is a representational gap. There is also the Decker problem: It's very hard to know, given the way OWL works, how much info and whether you have all the info, before invoking a service, if you specify with OWL assertions. It's easy to say the message has to be member of class "invoice", and invoice is restricted in certain ways. ...need to know that there is a specific address, trying to invoke the service and failing. MK/BP: It's exactly relates to our discussion w/ Pat Hayes. pblm OWL doesn't have typing in the way pgming languages have typing Need something else. need to sya an object *must* have this attribue and this is all you havea BG: This has come up over and over again. 1) Issue of "closing off" 2) Big difference between an existential that's unbound and one that is bound 2 biggest problems that makes it difficult to validate in OWL. If we propose that OWL is allowed optionally, people won't be hapy using until some of these fundamental shortcmings are addressed. BP: Soem agree with you, others think it could be gotten in and is worth it. If we came up with a solution. It's an opportunity over the next 2 years that won't come around again for another 4. BG: Pragmatic: Push to have it in, but lower people's expectations about how it's going to be used. Let's have it be part of the specs, facilitate experimenting with it in R&D Despite shortcomings, let's include, even if it isn't going to be used immediately. BP: There is the place in the spec about how to add typing. I ahve problem that I like to describe everything that is wrong with an approach. BG: Why do you say we can get it in?B BP: Some people want it. Thinks we can come up w/ a solution. BG: 2 approaches 1) Extend OWL to change into a datatyping languge 2) Turn into an auxilliary language. Don't have to worry abot "closing off" issue. Can just sell this as a way to describe extra stuff. DM: WS - I'm willing to take as input a URI or serialized instance anything that gets classified as X. Why should WSDL stand in the way of such service providers. From client side, want to know what client requires from you before you start out. Maybe I don't know my SSN Fujisu likes to do this. Treat OWL as if it's a typing language -- do levels of closure. Hard to argue that that's a useful thing. FM: Bijan is OWL as a type defn language the best and most appropriate way of put types into WS description. To do a proper typing system is a significant amt of work. Building a type system is not trivial (I've done it). Get expressibility right, all rest -- significantly amt of effort. BP: I don't want to build a type system. FM: Yes you are. You have to do fair amt of work. - Does any one want to do - is that the optimal entry point for OWL or semantics in WSDL I'm not sure it is. we already ahve good typing languages. If we constrain OLW to be a good typing language, maybe we lose the other good stuff. BP: Agreed might want to make assertions about preconditions and effects of services, but maybe not for describing the type FM: There are more juicy topics. BG: What would we lose. To do tping, need to be able to close off. .... BP: feeling right now that WSDL is very minimal, but in my f2f, etc see that people are thinking of it as a foundatio for more expressive descriptions In WSDL, operations aren't processes. processes are heavywieight things - either a piece of software, affects the world in some way, etc. Fervor that an operation in wsdl isn't one of those things. issue of typing msgs dovetails w/ this. need to think about how we're going to do this: all operations are processes? FM: I would push back on this. I think it's easy to think of operations as processes, but it's not the way I like to. where I'm coming from, the signals interesting events. BP: <Clarification> DM: Way we talk about atomic processes, we don't talk about the execution of an atomic process, therefore not incompatible FM: Imagine as speech acts... that view of services is very consistent w/ WSA and how the service oriented architecture will end up. BP: I don't think of MG: This is exaclty what we should be talking about with the conceptual model. what do we mena by process, operation, etc. BP: I think if we fleshed out what we were thinking of, they would be distinct. Having BP: Consuming objects and producing objects FM that's the core of it. The RPC inheritance howing throught. Not consistent w/ the document centric view. BP We could layer a more process oriented view on top of WSDL What is our core basic conceptuatl unit that we're thinking about? Is it something more and there is always something more to say. BG: If this is the low end, what's our stake in it? We hae a stake because what maps at a lower lvel Goes far beyond what the messages that are exchanged about it are. There are some major side effects. we want to have scope to describe those types of characterisitcs that go well beyond its msg pattern. Isn't necessarily choreography scoce either. It's an atomic process to say "hit the button", but it has side effects DM: Do want to go back to your initial question. Do we want to use an OWL class to be used as a the type of a message. If answer is no, then troubling - OWL is doomed. I think we can do something, but .... No no...there is no problem with retrieving instances of a type if I have a KB, assertions, ontologies "is Bijan a person", can look at it and say yes/no here is a class, find all members. but just doing that isn't that useful for describing service interfaces. DM same problem w/ any OWL query server. if they're going to be able to function then if query is "who are all the people", "how many people there are?" All that is distinct from formulating, "all of the known first names of the people in the db. The query is differnt -- specifies what you want, you get bindigns. If we had the right kind of query language in OWL, then the types BG: It's not just the pblm w/ the query lang, but it's the intended interp. Competing purist veins that closing off is bad! what you're talking about w/ the query langauge is "closing off" - co ground - co existentially quantified.... BP: I thought of a cheesy way...I'll put it in a message... Yes there are issues...there are big issues. you wnat to say I want an instance of this particular known attribute Made possible, or take it BP: Initial proposal: minimalistic thing Other: provide some sort of solution that allows at least for rdf data that provides some template or constraitnt - maps to XML schema or... I think it's a pretty important issue to be able to describe the interfae constraings QUSTIO: DOes the committee want to take it on. BG: joint committee worked on DQL, but there wasn't pull except for DL theorem provers. One way to proceed is to basically do soemthing that defines a type in terms of DQL stuff. Another wya: RDF data access group. they'll have to deal with schema template..... I don't think all the other fish that we have to fry that we shoudl be the ones in charge of it, but a lot depends on timing. window to push for this isshort-temr. BP: window for core1 spec mapping to SW will be a separat docuemtn. Certainly addressing this is part of the scope of that It would be great to be in last call by may. BG: The latter would be possible if incubated in the relevant groups BP: Propose a more minimal work product for us: Specify clearly our interst in haveing a solution and some desiderata so it will become higher profile on these other grups. Seems reasonable. BG: treat it as part of our requirements. suggest one or more techinql approaches that require comments. DM: Might be possible to put into the wsdl documentation that you can excahnge messages that have OWL contents provied the syntax is constrained appropriately. Look, just define an XML schema that says, you're going to use n triples and make sure they don't have X, and they have this data te You can use XML schema to constrain to be ground instances that hve only certain properties. Might have problems w/ potential equivalences. "Just use XML schema to use this" BG: Don't understand . the only game in town right now is XML Schema for issues like: - closing off - validating - boundness - .... MK: what's wrong with using XML Schema? DM: Nice to prevserve the functionality of using an OWL class MK: but XML Schema can refer to OWL and OWL+ BP: I was proposing to use an XML Schema type to constrain the so you'd be forced to include all and only the ground assertions. This is different from what MK and BG are proposing. Right now you can't properly identify BG: XML Schema is a container and pointing system. It's not a rich language. Start w/ things pac view XML schema as a set of constraints on a bunch of OWL assertions. MK: Yes that's what i was proposing, but the shcema type can only ALL: Conclusion: we're not settled on what we want to do. we'll have tol continue to come to consensus. TP: Volunteers to scribe for next telecons
Received on Monday, 1 March 2004 23:10:52 UTC