Re: Question about OWL-S Split+Join

Jeff Dalton wrote:

> Quoting Drew McDermott <>:
>>>[Jeff Dalton]
>>>Split+Join is described as follows in
>>>  Here the process consists of concurrent execution of a bunch
>>>  of process components with barrier synchronization. With SPLIT
>>>  and SPLIT+JOIN, we can define processes that have partial
>>>  synchronization (e.g., split all and join some sub-bag).
>>This is a case of semantics outstripping syntax. ...
> Does that mean there's no OWL-S syntax that corresponds to
> the above semantics?

Jeff -

It seems to me that's what it means - and I appreciate your pointing 
this out.

If there's no further enlightenment forthcoming on this subject, I'm 
planning to just remove the offending comment (about partial 
synchronization) from Process.owl.

> In the document about OWL-S surface syntax, it says
>   (Split+Join List-of-processes) executes all the processes
>   in the List-of-processes in parallel, then waits until
>   all complete before proceeding.
> Is that correct, or is there some thing more to it?
> -- Jeff

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 15:51:49 UTC