** Apologies for multiple postings **

C a l l   f o r   P a p e r s


                     a workshop to be held at the

3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2004)


Hiroshima, Japan
Sunday, November  7th, 2004

Mobile and ubiquitous computing refers to an emerging computing 
paradigm that aims at providing hardware and software means for 
offering user-friendly information and communication services, anywhere 
and anytime. The central concept is to empower users through a digital 
environment that is aware of their presence and context, able to 
provide personalized services to their requirements, capable of 
anticipating their behaviour and responding to their presence.
An essential aspect for the ubiquitous vision to become true is 
therefore the provisioning of small, handheld, wireless computing 
devices that enable interaction between users and environments (e.g., 
sensors, actuators, interactive screens, displays, etc.), and computing 
elements (usually hardwired) that carry out specific networking 
functions such as data processing, storage and routing. These devices 
offer functionalities that can be described, advertised and discovered 
by others and they are eventually able to interoperate even though they 
have not been designed to work together. This type of interoperability 
is based on the ability to understand other devices and reason about 
their functionalities when necessary. Knowledge deployed in mobile and 
ubiquitous applications is therefore pervasive, distributed, 
heterogeneous, and dynamic by nature. In this respect, mobile and 
ubiquitous applications can benefit from marrying the Semantic Web, 
which provides the infrastructure for the extensive usage of 
distributed knowledge, to be deployed for modelling devices 
functionalities and add meaning (through ontologies), enabling 
lightweight discovery and composition of device functionalities (using 
annotations and reasoning for service matchmaking), and coordination of 
processes (using negotiation strategies). The ability to appropriately 
combine ubiquity and semantic grounded data sharing has generated and 
is continuously triggering challenging questions in several areas of 
computer science, engineering and networking.
  The workshop on Semantic Web technology for mobile and ubiquitous 
applications aims to gather input covering the above mentioned 
challenges, and it is intended as a lively forum of discussion for 
bringing together and fostering the interaction of practitioners and 
researchers coming from the many disciplines contributing to the design 
and deployment of mobile and ubiquitous applications in a 
semantic-grounded perspective.

  The main topics of interest include but are not restricted to:
	• 	 Lightweight semantic negotiation for mobile and
                    ubiquitous applications;
	• 	 Semantic Web and p2p;
	• 	 Ontologies for mobile and ubiquitous systems;
	• 	 Semantic Web Technology for Context aware applications;
	• 	 Personalisation;
	• 	 Knowledge representation, discovery and management in mobile
                    and ubiquitous applications;
	• 	 Knowledge representation, discovery and management for
                     semantic web
                     services in mobile and ubiquitous environments;
	• 	 Semantic web services;
	• 	 Dynamic composition of semantic web services;
	• 	 Agent technologies for mobile and ubiquitous systems;
	• 	 Integration of agent-based services and web services;
	• 	 Mobile and ubiquitous databases and information retrieval.

  Papers are solicited for any of the  topics of interest listed above. 
We invite contributions of different kinds. We solicit regular research 
papers which may report on:
	• 	 completed work;
	• 	 description of current, but mature, work in progress;
	• 	 discussion papers comparing different approaches, or
                     account of practical experiences of using SW 
technology in
                     mobile and ubiquitous applications..
  In addition, we invite people wishing to participate in the workshop 
to submit a short position paper concerning statements of interest, or 
technical or policy issues. Spaces will be limited and those who have 
submitted a paper will be given priority for registration.
Both type of papers will provide the framework for the discussions 
during the workshop. Papers must be written in English.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the 
programme committee, and selected on the basis of their relevance and 
Both research and position papers should be formatted according to the 
official formatting guidelines of the ISWC'04 main conference (LNAI 
style available online at:  Research papers should 
not exceed twelve pages, while position statements should not exceed 
five pages. The URL of the paper in Postscript, Adobe PDF format can be 
submitted electronically. Detailed submission instructions will be 
posted at a later stage.

All accepted papers (both technical and position papers) will be 
available on the day of the workshop in a set of working notes. 
Accepted papers will also made available in electronic format before 
the day of the workshop.

Paper submission deadline: July, 15th
Notification of acceptance: September, 1st
Camera ready due: October, 10th
Workshop: November, 7th

All enquiries and submissions should be directed to the contact person 
(Valentina Tamma):

Monique Calisti
Whitestein Technologies AG
Gotthardstrasse 50
8002, Zurich, Switzerland

Chiara Ghidini
Via Sommarive, 18
Povo, 38050, Trento, Italy

Kaoru Hiramatsu NTT Communication Science Laboratories
NTT Corporation
2-4, Hikaridai, Seika-cho,
Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan

Terry R. Payne
Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO14 2GH, UK

Valentina Tamma (main contact)
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Chadwick Building, Peach Street,
Liverpool L69 7ZF
United Kingdom,
Tel. +44-151-794 6797
Fax. +44-151-794 3715

Michael Berger, Siemens, Germany
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy
Patricia Charlton, Motorola, France
Kendall Clark, MINDLAB, University of Maryland, USA
Fabien Gandon, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Floriana Grasso, University of Liverpool, UK
Matthias Klusch, DFKI, Germany
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete, Grece
Shoji Kurakake, NTT DoCoMo, Japan
Yannis Labrou, Fujitsu Labs of America, USA
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Enrico Motta, KMI, UK
Stefan Poslad, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dave de Roure, University of Southampton, UK
Norman Sadeh, Mobile Commerce Lab, CMU, USA
Akio Sashima, AIST, Japan
Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
York Sure, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Simon  Thompson, Intelligent Systems Lab, BTexact  Technologies, UK
Steven Wilmott, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Franco Zambonelli, Unibersity of Modena, Italy

Terry R. Payne, PhD.		|
AgentLink III Co-coordinator	| AgentLink III -
University of Southampton	| Voice: +44(0)23 8059 8343 [Fax: 8059 2865]
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK | Email: /

Terry R. Payne, PhD.		|
AgentLink III Co-coordinator	| AgentLink III -
University of Southampton	| Voice: +44(0)23 8059 8343 [Fax: 8059 2865]
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK | Email: /

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2004 08:31:04 UTC