Re: Draft OWL-S Process technical ['securiQ.Watchdog': überprüft] ['Watchdog': checked]

hi Drew and all,

i have a question regarding the "InCondition"/"WithOutput"/"hasEffect" 

How should an agent interpret such a construct...I think there could be 
(at least) two possible interpretations:

a) "if 'InCondition' is true, then expect effect 'hasEffect' to occur and 
expect to receive an output 'WithOutput'" (somehow an 'ex ante' 

b) "if you receive an output as defined by 'WithOutput' then you can 
assume that the effect 'hasEffect' has occured, which means that the 
Condition 'InCondition' happened to be true on service invocation" 
(somehow an 'ex post' interpretation)

In the context of the credit card example, the difference may be 
negligible, because both the service and the agent may have the means to 
check the condition, i.e. the limit of the credit card. However, the 
question may arise for services that are fully nondeterministic and make 
opaque decisions, e.g. a lottery service, where the agent can not figure 
out the condition in advance, which would mean that interpretation (a) 
would be not adequate.

(i apologize if this was already discussed in ealier mails)

thanks and kind regards,

> With some trepidation, I've attached the draft of the new process 
> technical overview for Release 1.1 of OWL-S.  Comments welcome.

Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2004 17:07:47 UTC