Re: Effects in OWL-S

On Apr 28, 2004, at 9:30 AM, Austin Tate wrote:

> At 09:23 28/04/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>> Well, I would advise consulting before hand. I don't see a need 
>> WHATSOEVER for dummy services and the like.
> Interesting...  the no-op solution had been my suggestion to Jeff 
> Dalton. Not necessarily the one he would adopt! Lets wait and see what 
> he arrives at and we would much appreciate comment on the proposed 
> solution. We are keen that the (web services composition) plans 
> encoded in OWL-S are usable by other systems that we will interact 
> with though... so they must share knowledge of any encoding we use.  
> Austin

Ah, yes, that's a bit different. Notice however that's not about 
bridging the gap between the expressiveness of OWL-S and what you 
desire to express, it's about expressing what you want to express in a 
way that other systems will understand them. If other planners or 
executes are using the standard PE model, then, sure, they'll hork on a 
direct expression of effects before the process is complete.

But that's clearly a different issue, yes?

Bijan Parsia.

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2004 09:37:51 UTC