Re: OWL Rule language

>><process:Input rdf:ID="AccID">
>><owl:Variable rdf:about="#AcctID"/>
>>Will this be correct?, if so, it will be very convenient to use.
>No, this wont be correct.
>Now I am confused as to what you mean by "defining further property
>predicates". As it makes clear in the proposal, either variables or
>OWL individuals can be used in property atoms. I.e., a property atom
>is of the form P(x,y), where x,y can be any mixture of variables and
>OWL individuals.
>My point about using variables is that I can't see why you would want
>to make the variable acctID have the same interpretation as the
>individual AcctID, because you can write P(AcctID,y) just as easily as
yes, it is quite clear now. Thanks for the explanation.


Received on Monday, 10 November 2003 05:54:41 UTC