Position Paper (re-sent)

To whom it may concern,


I'm currently involved in creating evolvable database systems and semantic
database mediators to facilitate complex data mining over the Internet. I
would like to participate in your W3C Workshop.  Attached is a position
paper titled "Facilitating Domain Evolution of Web-Database Portals Using
the EAV/CR framework".




Luis Marenco, MD
Assistant Professor

Center for Medical Informatics
Yale University School of Medicine

300 George Street. Suite 501

New Haven, CT 06511

T: (203) 737-2985

F: (203) 737-5708

E:  <mailto:luis.marenco@yale.edu> luis.marenco@yale.edu

H: http://ycmi.med.yale.edu



Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 18:22:24 UTC