W3C's Semantic Web for Life Sciences Workshop - Position Papers


You are receiving this message because you submitted a paper to the 
W3C's Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences.  Please consider this 
mail an acceptance of your position paper.  The workshop will be held 
the 27th and 28th of October in Cambridge, MA, with details online at 
http://www.w3.org/2004/07/swls-cfp.html.  If I have left your 
organization off the list, please contact me.

Registration will open tomorrow.  I will email each of you a link so 
that you can register but encourage you to go ahead and make your flight 
arrangements.   I will also send a recommended hotel with contact 
information in the registration logistics mail.

If you hope to have more than one attendee per paper and have not yet 
contacted me, you *must* contact me this week to secure multiple slots 
to the Workshop.  The Workshop is very nearly oversubscribed.

I look forward to seeing you here in October!

Warm regards,

Submitting Organizations:
Affymetrix (Program Committee)
AGFA Healthcare
Alzheimer's Research Forum
Annotea Project
Astra Zeneca Medical Informatics / Clinical Science (Program Committee)
Berlex Biosciences
Children's Hospital of Boston (Program Committee)
De Novo Pharmaceuticals
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University
Department of Informatics, University of Zurich
European Network of Excellence REWERSE
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Fujitsu Laboratories of America
German Cancer Research Center
Harvard Medical School (Program Committee)
Harvard Medical School / Mass General
Harvard Partners
Hewlett-Packard (Program Committee)
IBM (Program Committee)
Image Bioinformatics Lab, University of Oxford
Imperial College of London
Infinity Pharmaceuticals (Program Committee)
Inria Rhone-Alpes - Projet HELIX
Inria Sophia Antipolis - ACACIA
Integrative Bioinformatics Unit - Micro Array Department University of 
Intelligent Solutions
Japan Biological Information Consortium
Jackson Laboratories
KEVRIC, An IMC Company
Life Sciences Research (an IDC Company)
LORIA équipe Orpailleur / Université Henri Poincaré
Matsushita / W3C
Mayo Clinic Center for Medical Informatics
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Millenium Pharmaceuticals (Program Committee)
MIND (University of Maryland)
MIT / CSBi (Program Committee)
National Cancer Institue (Center for Bioinformatics)
National Center for Genome Resources
Nature Publishing Group
Network Inference (Program Committee)
Novartis (Computational Biology) (Program Committee)
Oracle (Program Committee)
Panther Informatics (Program Committee)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sanofi-Aventis (Program Committee)
Stanford Medical Informatics
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Tucana Technologies
Umass Boston
University of Cambridge (UK)
University of Colorado, Center for Computational Pharmacology
University of Manchester (Program Committee)
University of Maryland
VTT: Technical Research Centre of Finland
W3C (Program Committee)
Yale Center for Medical Informatics

John Wilbanks
W3C Fellow
Semantic Web - Life Sciences
617-253-5845 (direct)
617-838-6333 (mobile; best voicemail #)

Received on Monday, 4 October 2004 19:16:06 UTC