2nd CfP: Workshop on Human-Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI’14) , at ESWC2014

Hi all,

don't miss to submit to our next workshop at ESWC! Spread the CfP in 
your groups, please.


2nd Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Human Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI 2014)
in conjunction with the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014)

26th May 2014, Crete, Greece



"A key innovation opportunity in the Semantic Web is making it easier 
for end users to produce, share, and consume structured data [...] We 
have to study end users to understand their needs, build tools to meet 
those needs, and assess how those tools work for them."
  - David Karger, from his keynote at ESWC 2013 -

To advance and consolidate the development of Semantic Web (SW) 
technologies and applications, a strong interdisciplinary approach is 
required. Amongst others, SW technologies imply new challenges for user 
interaction - and especially end user interaction - beyond those already 
posed by Web technologies and interactive systems in general. Some of 
the challenges to Semantic Web Interfaces are:

* SW technologies provide a new set of innovative functionalities, which 
require equally innovative interfaces to be enjoyed
* Interfaces are required for datasets of which the schemas are not yet 
fully known at design time
* UIs for datasets where there is as much information in the links 
between the resources as in the resources themselves
* Interfaces need to be able to deal with different levels of 
granularity of data and information.
* UIs for information that is automatically derived from potentially 
incomplete and imperfect data
* Control over data/information delivery, due to size and complexity of 
data sources

The HSWI workshop aims to explore and evaluate good practices in 
interface design, and ultimately feed into possible recommendations for 
standardizing and consolidating knowledge and good practices into a set 
of guidelines for semantic web developers, to ensure the usability and 
reasonably functional user experiences of the next generation of 
Semantic Web applications.

The workshop addresses researchers and practitioners from the fields of 
human computer interaction, as well as researchers from the Semantic Web 
community applying such techniques to the Semantic Web and Linked Data. 
The goal of the workshop is to provide a platform for knowledge exchange 
between the different research communities, and to foster future 


The workshop invites papers on approaches, methods, evaluations, case 
studies, and lessons learned on topics such as:

* Visualization in semantic interfaces
* Natural language interfaces to the Semantic Web
* Semantic Web applications and tools addressing the needs of end users, 
both for creating and consuming Semantic Web data
* New interaction techniques for the semantic web (e.g., gesture- and 
touch-based interaction with the Semantic Web, mind-web interfaces, etc.)
* Models for specifying structure and behavior of Semantic Web interfaces
* Sensemaking
* Semantic search interfaces
* Semantic applications on mobile devices, taking into account on-board 
* Using Semantic Web technologies in user interfaces of existing systems
* User studies and evaluations of Semantic Web interfaces and applications


For providing a forum for sharing novel ideas, HSWI welcomes a broad 
spectrum of contributions, including:

* Full research papers
* Position papers
* Case Studies
* Descriptions of Experiments
* Evaluations


Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers 
related to the aforementioned topics. We invite:

* regular papers (8 to 12 pages)
* short papers (4 to 6 pages)

All submissions are required to be in PDF format. Long and short paper 
submissions must be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS format 
Papers that exceed the maximum pages or do not follow the LNCS 
guidelines will be automatically rejected without a review. Papers that 
exceed the maximum pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines will be 
automatically rejected without a review. All submissions will be 
reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Additionally, your 
submission may be accompanied by a short video figure or interactive 
illustration to foster the understanding of your work.

Please submit your manuscript using the EasyChair online submission system:


Contributions will be selected based upon their quality as evaluated by 
2-3 referees. Accepted papers will be published on the open-access 
platform CEUR-WS. Furthermore, the best papers of the workshop will be 
included in the supplementary proceedings of ESWC 2014, which will 
appear in the Springer LNCS series.
At least one author of accepted papers is required to register at the 


* Deadline for submissions: March 3, 2014 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
* Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2014
* Camera-ready papers: April 15, 2014
* Workshop: May 26, 2014


The Organizing Committee members and the Program Committee members are 
mentioned at http://hswi.referata.com/wiki/HSWI2014

Further Details: http://hswi.referata.com/wiki/HSWI2014

Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 14:27:22 UTC