How to make progress on the almost complete absence of Black people in SWICG discussions?

While anti-Blackness isn't the only diversity and equity problem to be 
concerned about, it's gotten enough attention that it's worth focusing 
on. Of course it's not just SWICG; at the end of FediForum I mentioned 
the fediverse’s long-standing issues related to anti-Blackness (and how 
FediForum itself had only addressed one of the five bullets from the 
discussion at a September 2023 session).  That said, it's an issue 
within SWICG too -- and within SocialHub, which as part of is now within SWICG's purview.


  * what are people currently doing to make progress on this?
  * what else should be done?

I also kicked of a thread on SocialHub -


PS: 5 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less 
toxic for Black people 
has suggestions for what people can do as individuals, and hopefully 
everybody here is already doing that ... but systems have power and 
equity dynamics as well, which is more what I'm trying to get at with 
these discussions

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2024 22:47:30 UTC