Proposal: website task force

Hi all,

As we all know, the landing page at <> is in dire need of an update (most recent update: “Some (long overdue) site updates” from January 2021) and the sub-domain <> — which is referenced from there and, worse, referenced from the official ActivityPub Recommendation — has been non-functional for quite some time.

I propose that we form a task force that is charted with:

* fixing broken links, and bringing the site into a less off-putting, more presentable and up-to-date state
* and perhaps, l over the longer term, figures out how SWICG and the ActivityPub-related SWICG activities should present themselves on the web to be most effective, and then implements that strategy.

At DWebCamp, I had a chance to discuss this with Christine Lemmer-Webber, who currently controls the domain, and she is in support of this proposal.

Can we put this on the agenda for the meeting on Friday?



Johannes Ernst

Fediforum <>
Dazzle Labs <> 

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 23:49:18 UTC