Re: Implementing Federation, Part I

I don't think it's self-evident.

I don't believe SocialHub has a privileged position as the gatekeeper to 
develop new CG standards.

I think the FEP process is fine; it makes one good input stream for 
extensions for AS2 and AP. But it's not the /only/ such input stream.

In general, I appreciate SocialHub as a place for conversations. I don't 
think it should be a necessary component in the workstream of the CG.

So, I'm -1 on Arnold's proposal.


On 2024-01-02 5:02 p.m., Dmitri Zagidulin wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 2:29 AM aschrijver 
> <> wrote:
>     I might add to this that on Codeberg the organisation
> is affiliated to SocialHub already,
>     and hosts the FEP Process. The SocialCG might be mirrored here, or
>     even finds its home on Codeberg.
> I totally agree with you, re Github vs Codeberg. I'd certainly prefer 
> the latter, but I also recognize the sunk costs the community has in 
> adopting GH.
> And like you said, just mirroring SocialCG's github to Codeberg would 
> be a great first step!
>     That would be in line also with the 3-stage Standards Process that
>     I am much in favor of to guarantee an open and decentralized
>     ecosystem for the Fediverse.  See:
>     TL;DR this process is: Ecosystem --> FEP/SocialHub --> W3C SocialCG/WG
>     Despite the proposal being 3 months old, receiving positive
>     reactions by multiple representatives of the SocialCG it hasn't
>     been addressed here. Something I also mentioned in a recent reply:
> What do you mean by "hasn't been addressed here"? I personally think 
> all the points you made there are very valid, and pretty much 
> self-evident. What sort of thing would you like to see, in terms of 
> addressing?

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2024 00:32:25 UTC