Re: CFC: a policy for calls for consensus on SWICG group decisions

Oh, and a last thing: I mentioned it in a comment on your PR on, but I don't think SocialCG processes should be the subject 
of FEPs.


On 2023-09-28 11:07 p.m., Evan Prodromou wrote:
> -1
> Thanks for doing this, Ben. In general, I like it, but I have some 
> details I’d like to see tightened up before I can support it.
>   * It should be made clear that only members of the SocialCG should
>     be involved in decision-making processes. The passive language
>     like “if no sustained objections are raised” makes it sound like
>     non-members could object.
>   * Objections or agreement should be clearly labelled as such, with
>     +1/0/-1 voting. Questions or observations are not objections.
>   * Splitting the conversation across different communications forms
>     would make for a lot of missed messages and duplication. Instead,
>     we should keep any discussions requiring consensus here, on the
>     email list. Off-list discussions are fine, of course, but it’s not
>     a “real" objection/agreement unless it happens here.
>   * The Chairs should have the final decision if consensus has been
>     reached.
>   * I like this SWIP process, which you created for this proposal.
>     It’s reasonable, but I’d like to see it defined separately from
>     the consensus proposal. I think it would be a great test of this
>     consensus process!
>   * To adopt this policy, I think we need to adopt it under the
>     current rules, such as they are, which is by proposal and
>     plus-voting in an in-person meeting. I think we have one planned
>     for next Friday.
> Thanks again,
> Evan
> On 2023-09-28 8:00 p.m., Benjamin Goering wrote:
>>   SWIP-37f2: a policy for calls for consensus on SWICG group decisions
>>     Introduction
>> The Social Web Incubation Community Group is missing an explicit 
>> decision-making policy, which essentially all other W3C community 
>> groups have to ensure asynchronous and healthy consensus mechanisms 
>> across timezones and participatory modes.
>>     Proposal
>> <> will 
>> seek to make decisions through consensus and due process, per the W3C 
>> Process Document, §5.2.1 Consensus 
>> <>.
>> To afford asynchronous decisions and organizational deliberation, any 
>> resolution (including publication decisions) taken in a face-to-face 
>> meeting or teleconference will be considered provisional.
>> A call for consensus (CFC) will be issued for all resolutions via 
>> email to (archives 
>> <>). The presence 
>> of formal resolutions will be indicated by a "CFC" prefix in the 
>> subject line of the email. Additional outreach to community venues 
>> for more affirmative consent is strongly encouraged. There will be a 
>> response period of 14 days. If no sustained objections are raised by 
>> the end of the response period, the resolution will be considered to 
>> have consensus as a resolution of the Community Group, i.e. a group 
>> decision.
>> All decisions made by the group should be considered resolved unless 
>> and until new information becomes available or unless reopened at the 
>> discretion of the Chairs or the Director.
>> This policy is an operational agreement per the W3C Community and 
>> Business Group Process <>.
>>     Context
>>       W3C Groups with Similar Decision Policies
>> These community groups and working groups have similar decision 
>> policies with tentative meeting resolutions and confirmation of calls 
>> for consensus via email:
>>   * WebAssembly Community Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Credentials Community Group Charter
>>     <> (see section
>>     "Transparency")
>>   * Web Extensions Community Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web of Things Interest Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * HTML Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Platform Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Applications Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Media Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Performance Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Service Workers Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Verifiable Credentials Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * JSON-LD Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * WebAssembly Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Authentication Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Immersive Web Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Payments Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Devices and Sensors Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Distributed Tracing Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Web Editing Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Internationalization Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Publishing Maintenance Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>>   * Solid Community Group Charter
>>     <> (see section
>>     "Decision Policy")
>>   * Decentralized Identifier Working Group Charter
>>     <>
>> Proposal processes on SWICG Forum with identical response period:
>>   * FEP-a4ed: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal Process
>>     <>
>>       W3C Community Group Process
>> W3C SWICG <> is a W3C Community 
>> Group (CG).
>> CGs are described in their process document 
>> <> as follows (excerpted 
>> for concision):
>>     This document defines W3C Community Groups, where anyone may
>>     develop Specifications, hold discussions, develop tests, and so
>>     on, with no participation fee. …
>>     Community Groups that develop specifications do so under policies
>>     designed to strike a balance between ease of participation and
>>     safety for implementers and patent holders …
>>     A Community Group may adopt operational agreements… that
>>     establish the group’s scope of work, decision-making processes,
>>     communications preferences, and other operations. …
>>     The following rules govern Community Group operational agreements:
>>       * They must be publicly documented.
>>       * They must be fair and must not unreasonably favor or
>>         discriminate against any group participant or their employer.
>>       * They must not conflict with or modify this Community and
>>         Business Group Process, the Community Contributor License
>>         Agreement (CLA)
>>         <>, or the
>>         Final Specification Agreement
>>         <>. …
>>     the Chair determines the means by which the group adopts and
>>     modifies operational agreements. The Chair must give actual
>>     notice to the participants of any material changes to the
>>     agreements. Participants may resign from the group if they do not
>>     wish to participate under the new agreements. …
>>     *Note*: W3C encourages groups adopt decision-making policies that
>>     promote consensus. …
>>     Each Community Group must have at least one Chair who is
>>     responsible for ensuring the group fulfills the requirements of
>>     this document as well as the group’s operational agreements.
>>     Related Reading
>>   * IETF RFC7282 On Consensus and Humming in the IETF
>>     <>
>>   * Doty, Nick, and Deirdre K. Mulligan. 2013. "Internet
>>     Multistakeholder Processes and Techno-Policy Standards: Initial
>>     Reflections on Privacy at the World Wide Web Consortium"
>>     <> Journal
>>     on Telecommunications and High Technology Law 11.
>>   * Harmonization (standards),
>>     <>
>>       Editorial Notes
>> The title of this proposal was generated in line with norms 
>> established by Content addressed vocabulary for extensions 
>> <>and 
>> FEP-a4ed: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal Process 
>> <>.
>> |⚡ P='a policy for calls for consensus on SWICG group decisions' ⚡ 
>> echo "SWIP-$(echo -n "$P" | sha256sum | cut -c-4): $P" SWIP-37f2: a 
>> policy for calls for consensus on group decisions |
>> The 'SW' in 'SWIP' stands for 'Social Web'.
>> This proposal was initially published at:
>>   *
>>     Copyright
>> CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
>> To the extent possible under law, the authors of this Proposal have 
>> waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

Received on Friday, 29 September 2023 03:10:42 UTC