Re: Clarification and Call for Respectful Communication

čt 21. 9. 2023 v 7:13 odesílatel nightpool <> napsal:

> Melvin, if you have a concern about another member's conduct, please bring
> it up with the chairs. It does nothing to further respectful collaboration
> when you start a new thread of discussion to publicly call out another
> group member for some perceived slight or misunderstanding.
> This is the second time you've behaved this way within this group. In the
> future, please seek the advice of the chairs or a trusted third party
> before making another thread like this. Thank you.

Dear Nightpool,

Thank you for your feedback regarding my recent communication. I understand
and respect your position as co-chair of SWICG. However, I'd like to offer
a different perspective on the matter and explain my intentions.

My primary aim was to address a misrepresentation of my views in the public
forum where it occurred. While I understand the importance of avoiding
public contention, I felt it was necessary to clarify a misunderstanding
directly. The intent was not to start a new contentious thread but to
correct an inaccurate portrayal of my stance.

In the future, I'll consider your advice and approach the chairs for such
concerns. However, I believe there's value in addressing certain
misunderstandings openly, especially when they concern public statements.

I appreciate the challenging role you play in ensuring the group's smooth
functioning. Let's work together to ensure that all members, including
myself, feel heard and respected. I'm open to a conversation on how we can
achieve this and ensure a harmonious group environment.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,


> Nightpool
> SWICG co-chair
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2023, 10:53 PM Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Bumblefudge
>> I'd like to address a recent comment you made:
>> So let me get this straight, Nostr *is* the Fediverse because it's been
>> bridged, and Mitra (which loyally implements the AP spec) *isn't*
>> because you don't like the authentication choices it made?
>> Firstly, I have not made any comments or expressed opinions regarding
>> Mitra. It's essential to avoid making assumptions or attributing statements
>> to individuals without evidence. Misrepresenting someone's views is
>> unconstructive and goes against the collaborative spirit of this community.
>> Secondly, I'd like to remind all participants of the W3C Code of Ethics
>> and Professional Conduct. Adherence to this code ensures that discussions
>> remain productive, respectful, and free from personal attacks. This isn't
>> the first time there's been a deviation from these guidelines, and I kindly
>> urge everyone to communicate with respect and professionalism.
>> Let's keep the focus on constructive discussions and avoid personal or
>> unfounded remarks.
>> Thank you for your understanding.
>> Best regards,
>> Melvin

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2023 09:13:00 UTC