Re: Regular SWICG meetings and CG process

Kevin is correct, but the core specs have *extensibility* based on JSON-LD
namespacing, and a few non-obvious features (like the majority of
properties being "non functional" (they accept arrays as easily as single
values) that can trip up consumers used to more statically types languages
with strictly defined schemas (Which, in fairness, JSON famously is not)

The specs are based on a common subset of JSON that's accessible to both
pure JSON consumers and JSON-LD consumers, which means that developers used
to either will need to make a few compromises with their implementations,
but in return we're able to bridge the gap between these worlds more
effectively then if we required all developers to use one or the other.

On Thu, Mar 30, 2023, 3:17 PM Kevin Marks <> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 10:23 Bumblefudge von CASA, <
>> wrote:
>> On 3/30/2023 4:10 AM, Aaron Gray wrote:
>> 1.5. JSON-LD @context extension declarations and comprehension
>> Yes, the core specs are LD-based and without a little tooling and harness
>> work, it can be very hard to have interop deeper than the API layer.
>> Hearing that Evan has pieces of and can revive a self-service validator for
>> AS2 objects is great news, this feels like step 0 to me.  The LD wizards
>> and the catherders need to work together on making this kind of stuff more
>> accessible and self-service, so that newcomer implementers without an LD
>> background don't smash their head against it and develop a deep, debatably
>> justified grudge at that layer.
> This is being repeated, and it is a mistake.
> The core specs are not LD-based. They are JSON based, but included the
> @context as a courtesy to those who like using LD tooling.
> You do not need to use LD to interoperate with ActivityPub or
> ActivityStreams, and if you do use LD you need to be careful to make the
> output compatible with the JSON form again afterwards if you expect to feed
> it back into AP or AS tools.

Received on Thursday, 30 March 2023 20:34:31 UTC