Re: Should the specs be forked and maintained elsewhere?

Melvin wrote:
> JSON-LD already had built in extension mechanisms that could be used, and
that seemed to be a satisfactory response

Yes. JSON-LD usefully provides a mechanism for identifying which namespace
identifies each element of an object, but that just shifts the focus of the
problem to that of defining standard extensions and describing common
understandings of how the various extensions work together and with the
core specification.

Today, I can add ODRL or Annotations to any JSON-LD object because they
each have defined namespaces. But, this mechanism won't help much if
Mastodon, Pleroma, and others all define their own extensions for either
Rights Expression Language or Annotations. Thus, I think we should be
identifying commonly useful extensions and, when there are competing
implementations, we should be seeking to define consensus versions that can
replace the implementation-specific extensions.

bob wyman

Received on Thursday, 23 March 2023 20:19:00 UTC