Re: Let's meet. Was: Re: Should the specs be forked and maintained elsewhere?

On 23 Mar 2023, at 1:21, Johannes Ernst wrote:

> When:
>     Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 10-11am pacific daylight savings time.

17:00 - 18:00 UTC

> Where: Sean’s Jitsi
>     Room “ActivityPub”. (I can’t spell swicg and neither can my 
> spell checker)
> Who:
>     Anybody on this list
>     Anybody who cares about the future of ActivityPub and related 
> efforts
>     Anybody attending FediForum (we will declare this to be one 
> session so hopefully some attendees will show up here)
> Objective:
>     Collect views on the future of ActivityPub (and related) 
> standardization
>     Emerge with some sense of common direction (or be more clear about 
> where disagreements may lie)
>     A couple of next steps
> I’m offering to play facilitator for this one meeting (no promises 
> beyond that) although I would gladly not do that if somebody else 
> volunteers. I’m just tired of waiting :-)
> That’s the straw proposal, please propose modifications.

awesome, no modifications.


Received on Thursday, 23 March 2023 08:16:37 UTC