Re: A Holistic Design Process for Developing a Prosocial Media Ecosystem

Hi Adam, all,

whenever things get general, I see a  lack of clarity and agreement 
concerning the goals.

What constitutes a social media network, what is mandatory to be such.

For example 'a network where people connect' is too vague a claim. 
That's the www already.

I understand network, but what does 'social' and 'media' actually mean 

What have you in mind when you speak of such a network. Let's collect 

E.g. I expect

1. a way to publish / subscribe
2. possibility to react on things elsewhere (e.g. comment a post at 
another place)
3. notify the original author
4. display the reaction in context at my place and the other
5. possibly restricted access
6. text, images plus arbitrary attachments
7. interoperability (product, host, version)
8. convenience which today may mean a web interface

The network will have to be built by it's participants in a cooperative 
but not necessarily coordinated manner. There may not be a standards 
body with real mandatory power. The participants will have to silently 
agree on things, e.g. the RFCs also have no police but may well 
advertise compliance levels.

To build a social network the builders (= participants) have to act 
social in the first place.

What do you expect?


Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 08:46:27 UTC