Re: Rights Expression Language (REL) for Activity/Streams/Pub?

we have derived ocappub from first principles :)

> On Mar 7, 2023, at 00:30, Marcus Rohrmoser <> wrote:
> Thanks Aaron and Bob,
>> On 6 Mar 2023, at 22:47, Aaron Gray wrote:
>> The OP should have the right to maintain their post,
>> removing inappropriate comments from trolls or just bad or off topic
>> comments.
> aha, I understand and fully support that the original poster is in no way obliged to redistribute other poster's comments or to give guarantees that the original post will not be changed.
> But anybody has the right to reply on their respective own instance and signal the wish to get the comment displayed in context. Which may be fulfilled or not, as said before.
> So in a centralised setting (as e.g. the old-fashioned monopoly platforms), there is in fact that dictator (benevolent or not) - moderation which is enforced on all participants alike.
> But in a federated, pluralistic setting. I can enforce on my instance but not on others.
> So in fact, you talk about intra-instance rules, right? Which every member subjects to knowingly. Legit.
> Cheers,
> Marcus
> Disclaimer: I build the single-member instance server software Seppo.Social.

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2023 04:10:30 UTC