Re: Rights Expression Language (REL) for Activity/Streams/Pub?

On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 at 23:16, a <> wrote:

> similarly, one might imagine "delegating permission to post on an account"
> as a capability delegation, not as an expression of rights. the general
> observer has no need to know who you have given permission to manage the
> account -- granting permission is a private action. you might use ODRL to
> describe the metadata of such a capability delegation, but that is
> something you should take up with a specific capability framework, like
> ZCap (which has properties like `caveats` to indicate that certain
> capabilities have been attenuated out). i have not personally reviewed the
> compatibility of ODRL and ZCap, so i cannot speak further on the matter.
>> Communications should be based on trust and every party should know all
the information about the communication, otherwise people will no longer
trust your platform.

Aaron Gray

Independent Open Source Software Engineer, Computer Language Researcher,
Information Theorist, and Computer Scientist.

Received on Monday, 6 March 2023 23:21:34 UTC