Re: Welcome!

Hi Marcus,

As Evan mentioned, this group operates under W3C positive work environment
and code of conduct rules. And that post is definitely inappropriate. (Even
though I think we all understand the existentially critical nature of the
tech we're working on.) We can do better.


On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 10:30 AM Evan Prodromou <> wrote:

> We operate here under the positive work environment rules of the W3C.
> Thoughts and opinions about everybody else's projects and companies should
> be kept to posts on the fediverse.
> They do not belong here.
> Evan
> On Jul 12, 2023 03:50, Marcus Rohrmoser <> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> after 10 years in the shop you will already know it: The company you work
> for does disgusting things among others. It harms relationsships and
> isolates people. It builds walls and lures people into them. When that
> doesn't suffice, brutal peer pressure does. Shoshana Zuboff or Cory
> Doctorow have details.
> A word about me: I am self-employed working on a layperson installed and
> operated single user server software called and have
> a heart for the indieweb, permacomputing and making convival tools useful
> for decades. Putting agency and responsibility into the hands of the
> participants. I once did a 5-min talk 'Dissolving GAFAM, one bit at a time'
> at the 35c3
> Not a year ago I found irc and this list deserted, the infrastructure
> (test suite) in ruin and the big players mute and unmotivated. Over time it
> became quite vivid, may it turn out beneficial for all.
> That said, welcome to the list Ben.
> /Marcus

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 16:27:43 UTC