Re: Congratulations!

Hell yes! Strongly seconded. Well said, Johannes.

On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 7:39 AM Johannes Ernst <>

> It’s not all days that a major — the major — organization in a market
> implements a new interoperability standard, in particular if the standard
> has been around for a few years.
> Meta / Threads has now begun to do that with ActivityPub and
> ActivityStreams.
> Regardless of how you may think of Meta as an organization, from a
> standards perspective, this is a major success.
> I would like to congratulate all of you, in particular the core team of
> people who spent lots of work (and sweat and maybe tears, if the stories
> are true that I’ve heard) in creating these standards over many years. It
> is what one hopes to accomplish when creating a standard, and you succeeded.
> Just thought this needed to be said.
> Cheers,
> Johannes.
> Johannes Ernst
> Fediforum <>
> Dazzle Labs <>


Received on Friday, 15 December 2023 16:20:08 UTC