Fediverse Test Suite -- Developer Platform Survey

As you probably know, we got a bit of funding to develop a Fediverse Test Suite along the lines presented back in August: https://github.com/fediverse-devnet/testsuite

To run substantial Fediverse apps, weā€™re planning to use some form of virtualization. We want to pick something that is compatible with the development platforms you all use for your Fediverse software. So we are doing a brief survey.

If you are a Fediverse server-side developer, could you spend 5 minutes to fill out the following?


Note: this is not about mobile/ā€œclientā€ apps.

Thank you,


Johannes Ernst

Fediforum <https://fediforum.org/>
Dazzle Labs <https://dazzlelabs.net/> 

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2023 22:49:19 UTC