Question about European data rights etc.

Hello, thank you for adding me to the list.

I just had a question regarding the interest in Europe in personal data
ownership and rights, and promoting and passage of laws having to do with
one's ownership of images or personal information, this has been a big
topic there in recent years there have been many lawsuits going on for
example with Google.

And now today I saw this article about how France is taking on nefarious
influencers and platforms that promote for example negative body image for
women or young girls. This is just an example. There has been a lot of talk
in recent years about this how social media manipulates young people for

I just wondered if this type of topic is being considered in the creation
of new platforms in the fediverse? In this article down toward the bottom
of it it makes note also of a law that was passed concerning similar in
Norway. I'm sure there's a lot of other examples

Thank you again for the add.


Received on Friday, 7 April 2023 14:23:24 UTC