- From: Bob Wyman <bob@wyman.us>
- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 18:31:34 -0500
- To: public-swicg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAA1s49XSfu0KpTMO7UZeDWEW5tHpNxcSX9RvN23Ko0iYEGaM_Q@mail.gmail.com>
I am very concerned that the "Mastodon'' model for the Fediverse relies too much on third-party administrators' filtering and blocking of message flows between post senders and potential receivers. While I recognize that this has proved useful, and is even claimed by many to be a distinctly beneficial feature of the Mastodon culture of social interaction, I believe that we should be developing systems that rely less on instance level filtering or blocking and more on empowering individuals to make informed, effective, and personal choices for the curation of what they see. The Mastodon model of enabling each of many instance operator to individually determine what is blocked is certainly better than forcing everyone to submit to a single operator's decisions and value judgements (i.e. Twitter, etc.). However, I think we can do even better. We can, and should, empower each individual user. Empowering individual choice and curation will certainly become more and more necessary as the Fediverse grows and as it includes a greater number of instances serving large populations. This is true since, as the population served by a single instance grows, it must inevitably become more difficult, if not impossible, to ensure that any single set of moderation decisions properly reflects the values and sensitivities of all of an instance's users. -- A small group may be able to agree on commonly acceptable moderation principles, but it is unlikely that a large group will be able to negotiate a set of principles equally accepted by all. As an instance's population grows, more and more of those served by that instance will feel that their own personal perspectives are not being properly respected or supported -- that moderation is either more or less aggressive than it should be. But, it isn't only a question of respecting individual perspectives, there may also be a question of respecting human rights. In thinking about these issues, I am heavily influenced by the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights <https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights>. Some of the most relevant rights are those found in Article 19 <https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights#:~:text=Article%2019,regardless%20of%20frontiers.> : > Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right > includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to *seek, > receive *and impart information and ideas through any media and > regardless of frontiers. Unlike the First Amendment of the US Constitution, the UDHR's Article 19 establishes not just a right of Speech, but a right to seek and receive information and ideas without interference. In essence, it establishes a right to hear or read, in addition to a right to speak. It is this right, unfamiliar to many, that may be compromised in some cases of third-party moderation (particularly on large instances). (Note: Article 19 does not compel anyone to listen. It only protects the rights to think, to speak, and for one's speech to be found by those who wish to find it.) On large instances, moderation which does not universally reflect the perspectives or desires of the entire user population inevitably constitutes "censorship" of what can be read by at least some of the population even if it is approved of by the majority of the population. Note: Here I use the word "censorship" as defined by the ACLU's page "What is Censorship? <https://www.aclu.org/other/what-censorship#:~:text=Censorship%2C%20the%20suppression%20of%20words%2C%20images%2C%20or%20ideas%20that%20are%20%22offensive%2C%22%20happens%20whenever%20some%20people%20succeed%20in%20imposing%20their%20personal%20political%20or%20moral%20values%20on%20others.> " > Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are > "offensive," happens *whenever some people succeed in imposing their > personal political or moral values on others.* When political and moral values *are* shared, the suppression of the objectionable is not censorship, rather, I think it more appropriate to view such suppression as shared-curation. But, when values aren't shared, moderation almost inevitably constitutes censorship for at least some. (If one accepts the ACLU definition above, this is not a pejorative statement, but simply a statement of fact.) Given this, we should recognize that the implementations of, or the tools used to perform, either censorship or curation may be identical. What is censorship for one is curation for another. The distinction between the two is not inherent to the action that is taken, but rather rooted in whether the action taken reflects either the values of the potential reader or those of some one or more persons other than the reader. It seems inevitable that at least some censorship must be tolerated if only because, in various jurisdictions, some speech is deemed illegal and may create legal liability for instance operators. Given this, it is probably both necessary and desirable to empower instance administrators to remove (i.e. censor) at least illegal speech -- even without the express consent of their users. (Note: The USA's "Section 230" liability exemptions do not exist in all other jurisdictions and may not even continue to exist forever unmodified in the USA. We should be developing systems that work internationally and systems that are likely to be independent of changes to local laws -- systems that can work well with, or without, Section 230.) But, even though increasing the size of instances will usually lead to some censorship of legal speech, efforts to avoid censorship will usually lead to at least some users being forced to endure ever growing quantities of objectionable or irrelevant content. An attempt to avoid censorship, without replacing it with curation tools, might make the use of large instances intolerable for many and is clearly a problem that we should seek to avoid. It seems to me that the "solution" to the problem of necessarily restrained instance-wide moderation on large instances is to allow the scope of moderation to be constrained by the size of populations that share common perspectives. In this way, what would otherwise be censorship of legal speech becomes curation. At the extreme, this would mean increasing the ability of individuals to select, choose, or define their own personal methods and algorithms for curating content. Some indication of the value of personal control over filtering and sorting of social media posts can be found in Matt Hodges' Mastodon Digest (see the GitHub project <https://github.com/hodgesmr/mastodon_digest>). This tool allows one to prepare a filtered and sorted digest of Mastodon posts which respects the user's normal Mastodon filtering options while also supporting parameters such as the length of time included in the digest, the post scoring algorithm, and the score-threshold for filtering. While Hodges supports four basic scoring algorithms today, I assume that many more interesting algorithms could be defined. Even with only four basic algorithms, Hodges' work demonstrates that user-controlled filtering and sorting is not only practical but can provide great value. Today, Hodges' tool only considers attributes embedded in the individual posts. But, I imagine that it could be extended to consider things such as "credibility" signals defined by the W3C Credible Web Community Group <https://www.w3.org/community/credibility/>, or credentials defined by the W3C Credentials Community Group <https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/>. (i.e. if I'm a chemist, I might like to boost the score of posts from certified chemists. Or, I might like to suppress posts of authors whose credibility is questioned by being found on lists published by a Fact Checking group I trust.) If ActivityPub were to include support for the kind of "labeling" discussed for BlueSky, such labels also could be used to feed personal algorithms. My feeling is that we've become overly focused on third-party filtering and sorting, not because it is inherently good, but rather because that model most easily facilitates monetization and because platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have seen no great value in providing users with fine-grained control over their feeds. As a result, most of us simply haven't had the opportunity to experience, research, or develop the potentially large and interesting realm of user-controlled filtering and sorting methods, algorithms, etc. Given increased use and interest in non-commercial social media, this is an opportunity to explore what we've been prevented from doing in the past. bob wyman
Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 23:32:02 UTC