Re: [SW Flyer] New version & new wiki page

Hi Paula,

I've made some proposed edits to the flyer. Please let me know what you

I agree that the section called 'Some building blocks' is at a different
level of abstraction to the rest of the brochure, so doesn't fit in well.

I do think it'd be nice to have 3 lines or so on W3C at the end of the
brochure, as W3C does do more than the Semantic Web.

I'm looking forward to seeing the images.



On 5/3/07, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This email is a response to the action I got yesterday during the
> telecon. It explains the structure and content of the current version of
> the Semantic Web flyer, which is now on the public wiki at
> During the work today on the SW flyer on the public wiki, I got the
> following content for our flyer:
> 'I love Paris Hilton' and nothing else
> (you can trace this in the recent changes list)
> and that is why I still have a version of the SW flyer on the private
> wiki:
> The content of the current version of our SW flyer is also shortly
> commented on the wiki page.
> I hope to get (many) improvement suggestions. :)
> Thank you in advance!
> Regards,
> Paula
> SW Flyer
> ----------
> The idea is to have a flyer in A4 format, 4 pages printed on both sides.
> Page 1:
> On the first page we'll have a SW-related image, a slogan, and the W3C
> logo. I think Dunja will present a couple of proposals for such an image
> in 10-14 days by now. We need to choose between the following two
> version of the slogan, which were proposed during the F2F2: 'Realizing
> the Web of data' and 'Creating the Web of data'. Please comment, so as
> to take a decision on the slogan soon.
> Page 2:
> The idea is to motivate the need for Semantic Web technologies and say a
> few words on the SW as a collaborative effort led by the W3C. I'm not
> really happy with the sentence beginning with 'Consider the example',
> but perhaps you have some suggestions for improvements.
> The initial version of the flyer proposed a part on SW building blocks.
> As commented also on the wiki page, I'm not sure that the info on
> building blocks is needed here. I have also the impression that their
> description is at a different abstraction level than the rest of the
> flyer (and this is anything but desirable).
> Page 3:
> This page should contain information about SW use cases and case
> studies. During the F2F2, we have discussed about having a couple of
> classes of SW applications (data integration, search, B2B, and knowledge
> management were mentioned during the F2F2), which should cover most of
> the use cases and case studies we have by now. I've read the use cases
> and case studies at
> and tried to classify them. I found that it is not that easy to
> meaningfully classify these use cases and case studies, since most of
> them involve data integration and search and, IMO, it is not meaningful
> to separate these two: one wants to integrate data, so as to be able to
> navigate, search, reason about the whole data. I also find that the
> other two proposed classes are at a different abstraction level than
> data integration and search. Moreover, we need too much space for
> shortly describing classes of applications.
> So, I propose to have instead of these classes an image stressing (at
> least) the following aspects: distribution of data, different data
> representation formalisms, data integration, search. The image is to be
> accompanied by the following SW application 'principles', which are
> taken from most of the use cases and case studies:
> * A Web of connected knowledge bases.
> * Contextualize the use of data by using ontologies.
> * Retrieval of information through a unified query interface,
> * ... regardless how and where data is stored.
> * Reasoning with data and offering different views over the data.
> This should be followed by a couple of concrete testimonials on the use
> of SW technologies.
> Page 4:
> The idea is to have on the left the layer cake and on the right a short
> explanation of the layers through key concepts, descriptions, languages,
> etc. Policies, proof, etc., which can be found in other versions of the
> layer cake are missing here. That is why we also say something on
> research issues and extending the layer cake (at the end of the
> explanations).
> This part is followed by information on the SWEO Interest Group (added
> FAQ and community projects). The initial version of the flyer contained
> also a part on the W3C Semantic Web Activity, but I don't think we need
> such a part here anymore. We have already information on the W3C and the
> Semantic Web at the beginning of page 2.
> At the bottom of the page we'll have some information on the
> organizations 'supporting' this flyer
> -------------------------------

Received on Friday, 4 May 2007 18:27:48 UTC