Re: Slogan for the SW brochure


Marie's option 1 fused with Kingsley's option 4 (something like

"Enrich and integrate your data without....",

...not too flashy, using the language acceptable by both researchers  
and IT professionals... not using tricky words like  
"intelligence"... :-)


       Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA
  Knowledge Media Institute (KMi)
      The Open University, UK

On 6 Jun 2007, at 16:22, Dunja Ewinger wrote:

> Hi,
> as Marie-Claire stated, we should have a more attractive, more sexy  
> slogan for the Semantic Web brochure. I collected the proposals  
> that had been given during the weekly telco:
> Semantic Web:
> 1. "Enrich your data"
> 2. "Information on your fingertip"
> 3. "Making your life easier"
> 4. "Data Meshing without Compromise!"
> 5. "Giving you your data!"
> 6. "Knowledge at your fingertips!"
> 7. "Delivering your data!"
> 8. "Learn More from What you Know"
> Please let me know your favorite or make other proposals.
> Thanks for your feedback
> Best regards,
> Dunja

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 15:34:31 UTC