Slogan for the SW brochure

as Marie-Claire stated, we should have a more attractive, more sexy 
slogan for the Semantic Web brochure. I collected the proposals that had 
been given during the weekly telco:

Semantic Web:
1. "Enrich your data"
2. "Information on your fingertip"
3. "Making your life easier"
4. "Data Meshing without Compromise!"
5. "Giving you your data!"
6. "Knowledge at your fingertips!"
7. "Delivering your data!"
8. "Learn More from What you Know"

Please let me know your favorite or make other proposals.
Thanks for your feedback

Best regards,

Dunja Ewinger

Technology Transfer & Awareness, EU Network of Excellence REWERSE 
Tel.: +49 89 548 088 48 
REWERSE is member of the W3C SWEO Interest Group

webXcerpt Software GmbH
Aurbacherstr. 2
D-81541 München

Geschäftsführer: Tim Geisler, Dr. Heribert Schütz
Firmensitz München
Handelsregister München HRB 134213
Ust-IdNr.: DE212843019

UPCOMING: Semantic Web Days @ European Business Rules Conference
18-20 June Düsseldorf, Germany

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 15:22:31 UTC