Sweet Tools website

Dear Michael Bergman,

I found your website on "Sweet tools" quite nice.

Danny Ayers blogged about it 
[http://dannyayers.com/2007/01/23/new-things] and Ivan Herman forwarded 
this to me (= seems the web2.0 works great)
Using simile's exhibit makes it nice to look at.

We want to create a collection of educational material about the 
Semantic Web, a website. It should  provide links to tools and tutorials 
and other information material. Members of the SWEO [1] group - 
including me - are planning this at the moment. "Sweet tools" is 
interesting for me.
Do you mind answering a few questions?

Are you planning to keep the list updated or do you rather see it as a 
static thing?

How did you pick the tools for the website? You picked Simile's Exhibit, 
why, did you consider alternatives?

We want to gather information about useful information resources. Your 
list would be great as a reusable input, we thought about using an RDF 
vocabulary and an RDF database with a SPARQL endpoint to generate a 
website that gathers different sources.
What format would you suggest to use?

Would you be interested that we crawl your data and reuse it?

kindest regards
Leo Sauermann
[1] SWEO: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/

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Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 17:13:47 UTC