Re: Semantic Web Activity page use case

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'd like to raise an issue, namely what is communicated from the 
> Semantic Web Activity page. The current opening statement is this:
> "The Semantic Web is a web of data. There is lots of data we all use 
> every day, and its not part of the web. I can see my bank statements on 
> the web, and my photographs, and I can see my appointments in a 
> calendar. But can I see my photos in a calendar to see what I was doing 
> when I took them? Can I see bank statement lines in a calendar?"
> As it looks now, I think these use cases will be realized using 
> microformats, and that RDF will play a very minor role. I think there 
> is a very real risk that developers will think that all Semantic Web 
> uses cases can be satisfied with microformats and that the "complex, 
> academic stuff" that we're doing is nothing but a unnecessary 
> complication of something that can be done rather simply with 
> microformats. 
> We need simple use cases to start with, but not the ones that will most 
> likely happen through other means. So, I think we have a problem here, 
> and that this paragraph will have to be rewritten. I don't know what it 
> should say, but I hope to start a debate.
> Cheers,
> Kjetil

The issue here is clarifying the various shapes and forms of RDF Data 
Sources (Graphs):

1. Exported Physical Graphs  - as exemplified by RSS 1.1, SIOC, and 
other RDF data syndication buttons you see across the Web of Hypertext
2. Embedded Physical Graphs - as exemplified by RDF/A, eRDF, and (X)HTML 
microformats that have existing GRDDL based XSLT stylesheets
2. Virtual Graphs - those generated from a plethora of none RDF data 
sources and exposed via Web Services and SPARQL Endpoints

(X)HTML Microformats are going to be transformed into RDF in a variety 
of ways to produce either of the forms above. This is also the "sweet 
spot" for GRDDL and Micromodels in general. I will demonstrate this 
concept with SPARQL in the next day or so (i.e. using a (X)HTML page 
containing Microformats as the Graph URI for my SPARQL Query). This is 
something Danny Ayres has been seeking in a variety of recent blog posts 
re. SPARQL, GRDDL, and XSLT as a mechanism for demonstrating the Data 
Web in a simple but very powerful and relevant manner.

As for the paragraph in question, it is best it gets massaged into shape 
via a Wiki style effort. Even better, why not look to the Wikipedia 
article re. the Semantic Web [1] (Tim and I have touched this document 
of late for instance, and it would be nice if others could contribute also).





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Received on Monday, 5 February 2007 16:17:07 UTC