RE: SWEO Introduction: Ina O' Murchu

Ina O' Murchu has completed her Masters "Connecting Local Community Groups
with Semantic Technologies" at DERI Galway where she was part of the Social
Software cluster. She is currently working with the DERI Outreach &
Educational Program.

Her interests are Social Software, Online Social Networks, Virtual
Communities, Technology & Education, the Social Web and the Semantic Web.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Kingsley Idehen
Sent: 22 November 2006 16:06
Subject: Re: SWEO Introduction: Kingsley Idehen

Orri Erling is the Program Manager for OpenLink Software's Virtuoso
Universal Server.

I have designed and written large parts of the Virtuoso database engine and
SQL compiler as well as many other parts of the product.  I have prior
experience in AI related fields such as implementing Common Lisp compilers
and am familiar with inferencing and earlier knowledge representation work.
The present emergence of the semantic web thus brings together my strong
database background with my earlier involvement in symbolic computing.  I
have also been involved in building high-traffic first generation web
applications, up to a million end user accounts.

Present technical interests include  scalability of semantic web
technologies, building inference capabilities into database query
processing, building federated Internet scale information systems using
semantic web techniques.

My interest in the Semantic Web Education and Outreach theme workk lies in
placing the technology in a real life context and  thus identifying
emerging use cases and requirements.


Wikipedia entry for Virtuoso:

Virtuoso Project History:



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Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2006 22:08:04 UTC