ISSUE-222: SKOS Implementation: SISM

ISSUE-222: SKOS Implementation: SISM

Raised by: Sean Bechhofer
On product: SKOS

Described in: [ ]:

[Matthew Rowe <> ]

Hello Antoine
> I have developed a very early version of a Social Identity Schema 
> Mapping (SISM) which I have made available on the web. Here are the 
> details:
> == Vocabulary Implementations ==
> If you are notifying us of one or more vocabularies or vocabulary
> mappings as an implementation, please provide *at least* the following
> information:
> * vocabulary title(s) (e.g. Library of Congress Subject Headings)
> SISM - Social Identity Schema Mapping
> * name of person and/or organisation responsible for the
>  implementation
> Matthew Rowe
> OAK Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK.
> * a list of the SKOS constructs used (e.g. skos:Concept,
>  skos:ConceptScheme, skos:inScheme, skos:broader, skos:prefLabel,
>  skos:closeMatch ... etc.)
> skos:ConceptScheme
> skos:Concept
> skos:prefLabel
> skos:altLabel
> skos:exactMatch
> skos:related
> skos:broader
> skos:narrower
> skos:inScheme
> * URL(s) where the published SKOS data may be obtained, if the data
>  are publicly available
> * We would also welcome any further information you care to provide,
> however this is *not mandatory*. For example, we would be interested
> to know the scope and size of the vocabulary, what it is primarily
> used for, in what languages the vocabulary is provided, any other URLs
> describing the vocabulary or providing further information.
> The mapping schema is intended to provide relations between available 
> vocabularies on the web used to define identity information. There 
> appears to be, at present, duplication of similar concepts and relations 
> in several available vocabularies. SKOS offers an ideal format to 
> describe the semantics of the mapping between these similar concepts. 
> The schema is not large, as it is an early version that only maps 4 
> vocabularies.
> Web site with info about the mappings including graphs:
> Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any other information.

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 13:54:58 UTC