ISSUE-221: SKOS Implementation: MMI Ontology Tools

ISSUE-221: SKOS Implementation: MMI Ontology Tools

Raised by: Sean Bechhofer
On product: SKOS

Described in: [ ]

Alistair, Antoine,

Congratulations on your release, good show.

We will be basing the next release of our MMI semantic framework[4]  
tools[1],[2],[3] in large part using the latest SKOS release.  We  
expect the next release to be out within a month or so.

Some details are below.

=== Vocabularies/Mappings

We will be creating a very large number of vocabularies, many of them  
from existing non-RDF resources on the web.  Many of the details will  
vary.  We will be using SKOS as thoroughly as makes sense to us  
(probably pretty thoroughly).

We will be creating a number of mappings (we already have a number  
using the previous SKOS). These will be community-owned so many of the  
details will vary.  The data will all be publicly available at the  
repository [1].

== Software Implementations ==

* name of the software: MMI Ontology Registry and Repository,  
including voc2rdf [2] and VINE[3] tools.

* name of person and/or organisation responsible for the implementation
Implementer: Carlos Rueda
Principal Investigator: John Graybeal
Organization: Marine Metadata Interoperability
Organization: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute et al

* URLs for software home page and/or download location if publicly  
downloadable: see [1]

* can the software read SKOS data?  Yes

* can the software write SKOS data?  Yes
* can the software check consistency of SKOS data with respect to  the  
SKOS data model?  not sure...probably not

- main purpose and functionality of the softwarer: community ontology  
repository for marine science (and ...)
- the programming language and/or software frameworks used: Java  
mostly; details on request
- any other URLs describing the software or providing further  
information: see [1], [2], [3], [4]


P.S.  Expert consultation on our use of SKOS will be welcome...  (See  
the VINE interface mockup, notably the pop-up help for the buttons in  
the middle)

[1] Repository:
[2] voc2rdf:
[3] VINE: description of download at,   
web-based mockup at
[4] Semantic Framework description:

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 13:51:03 UTC