AGROVOC URIs Accessible in SKOS format

Dear all,

As many of you may know, AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary available in more
than 17 languages.
It is available online at:

We already created a SKOS version of the thesaurus (I can provide reference
if needed), but we just published the exposure of AGROVOC data in SKOS
dynamically starting from AGROVOC Concept URIs:  e.g.
click on the "RDF/XML" link in the top of the page.

This will allow the creation of SKOS dynamically and therefore be updated
when new languages or other elements are added to the knowledge base.

This SKOS output is a first release, I wish to add scope notes and other
information. Will do this asap.


Margherita Sini
Information Management Specialist
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Knowledge Exchange & Capacity Building Division (KCE)
WAICENT/Knowledge Exchange Facilitation Branch (KCEW)
Viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma - Italy
phone: +39 06 57056805
web site:,

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 15:55:39 UTC