Re: SKOS Implementation: various vocabularies stored in the CATCH SKOS service

Thanks Antoine.

We are using the SKOS issue tracker to manage implementation  
experience, and this has been logged in the SKOS Issue tracker as  

On 21 Apr 2009, at 19:40, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Hello,
> Here is an answer to the call, concerning vocabularies stored in  
> the service of [1]
>> == Vocabulary Implementations ==
>> * vocabulary title(s) (e.g. Library of Congress Subject Headings)
>   * Iconclass
>   * Rameau   * Glass Reference Collection vocabulary
>   * Brinkman keywords
>   * Wordnet (nouns)
>   * SWD
>   * Mandragore vocabulary
>   * NBD/Biblion thesaurus
>   * GOO thesaurus
>   * Regio Thesaurus KB
>   * GTAA thesaurus   * SVCN
>> * name of person and/or organisation responsible for the
>>  implementation
> Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> (I'm just the main contact--detailed information on the  
> institutional context of the various vocabularies can be found at [1])
>> * a list of the SKOS constructs used (e.g. skos:Concept,
>>  skos:ConceptScheme, skos:inScheme, skos:broader, skos:prefLabel,
>>  skos:closeMatch ... etc.)
> Used explicity in the SKOS representation of the vocabularies (see  
> the statistics at [2]):
> Concept, inScheme, ConceptScheme, hasTopConcept, prefLabel,  
> altLabel, hiddenLabel, broader, narrower, related, note, scopeNote,  
> definition, example, historyNote, editorialNote, changeNote,  
> relatedMatch, notation.
> Used in the representation of cross-vocabulary alignments stored in  
> the service (not listed on [2])
> exactMatch, closeMatch, broadMatch, narrowMatch
>> * URL(s) where the published SKOS data may be obtained, if the data
>>  are publicly available
> The content of the vocabulary service may be explored from [3].  
> Note that a large number of vocabularies are only privately  
> available (please contact us if you want to arrange for a login/ 
> password).
>> We would also welcome any further information you care to provide,
>> however this is *not mandatory*. For example, we would be interested
>> to know the scope and size of the vocabulary, what it is primarily
>> used for, in what languages the vocabulary is provided, any other  
>> URLs
>> describing the vocabulary or providing further information.
> See the statistics at [2] for the size of the vocabularies.
> Here is a qualitative one-liner for each vocabulary:
>   * Iconclass: expert vocabulary for iconographical description.  
> Labels in English/French/German; Italian, Finish and Norwegian are  
> available but not SKOSified.
>   * Rameau: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at  
> French National Library (bnF). Labels mostly in French, though  
> labels in many other languages are present in small amounts
>   * Glass Reference Collection vocabulary: expert vocabulary to  
> describe an archeological glass collection. In Dutch.
>   * Brinkman keywords: general subject vocabulary used to describe  
> books at Dutch National Library (KB). In Dutch.
>   * Wordnet (nouns): general semantic network. In English.
>   * SWD: general subject vocabulary used to describe books at  
> German National Library (KB). In German.
>   * Mandragore vocabulary: expert vocabulary for iconographical  
> description of medieval manuscripts. In French.   * NBD/Biblion  
> thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe books in  
> Dutch public libraries. In Dutch.
>   * GOO thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe  
> books at Dutch National Library (KB) and university libraries. In  
> Dutch and English.
>   * Regio Thesaurus KB: place name vocabulary used at the Dutch  
> National Library (KB). In Dutch.
>   * GTAA thesaurus: general subject vocabulary used to describe  
> video materia at Dutch National Audiviovisual Archive (Beeld en  
> Geluid). In Dutch.
>   * SVCN vocabulary: expert vocabulary to describe ethnographical  
> collections. In Dutch.
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> [1] 
> 0072.html
> [2]
> [3]

Sean Bechhofer
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 27 April 2009 09:48:33 UTC