Re: [SKOS] "SKOS RDF schema"

Hi Tom,

Just a couple of quick thoughts...

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 07:34:33PM +0200, Thomas Baker wrote:> Dear all,
> I'm looking at [1], also known as [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> This document calls itself "SKOS Simple Knowledge
> Organization System RDF Schema". 
> One obvious problem is that the document is clearly an HTML
> page and not an RDF schema. It may seem obvious to us that it
> is really _about_ the RDF schema, but I can well imagine this
> causing some confusion.
> In the section of that document labeled "SKOS RDF Schema", then,
> there is a link labeled "SKOS RDF Schema" which points to
> [3]
> which however -- since I am reading it in a browser --
> content-negotiates back to [1]! 
> However, the section does provide an additional link directly
> to the schema itself ("download the RDF schema without content
> negotiation") [4].
> [4]
> Given the title and introduction, then, the reader does not
> necessarily expect to find the _contents_ of the RDF schema by
> scrolling down one screen.
> I find this all delightfully confusing... :-)
> Some issues and suggestions for discussion:
> -- Maybe call the Web document [1-2] "Contents of the RDF 
>    schema for Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)" 
>    or "Expressing SKOS in RDF" - in effect, anything but
>    "SKOS RDF schema" :-)

What about "SKOS Namespace Document" ? 

> -- I'm wondering if this document [1-2] might be a good 
>    place to introduce and link any DL versions of SKOS as per Sean's
>    discussion in [7].  The document could briefly explain the need 
>    to have a DL ontology in some contexts, describe the algorithm
>    by which some of the axioms in [4] are "thrown away" (or filtered
>    out).  In a way, the DL schema is arguably just another subset
>    of the semantic conditions described SKOS Reference, albeit a 
>    deliberately lossy one.  Grouping points to the RDF, HTML, and DL 
>    excerpts together in one document would be helpful; and where else 
>    to do that but in this document [1-2]?  (This assumes we want to 
>    publish, or indeed say anything at all about, a DL version - also an
>    issue for discussion.)

I'd be happy for these links to go in the namespace document.



Alistair Miles
Senior Computing Officer
Image Bioinformatics Research Group
Department of Zoology
The Tinbergen Building
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 281993

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 10:05:14 UTC