- From: Simon Spero <ses@unc.edu>
- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:22:26 -0400
- To: "Alistair Miles" <alistair.miles@zoo.ox.ac.uk>
- Cc: "Laurent LE MEUR" <Laurent.LEMEUR@afp.com>, public-swd-wg@w3.org, public-esw-thes@w3.org
- Message-ID: <1af06bde0807250922t679f4f7w69c8ac60c4afaec0@mail.gmail.com>
Can we clarify some crucial point here: 1) Is it correct to say that the new documents specify that one should only assert broader, and broader transitive can always be inferred, but should not be asserted, and cannot be trusted, 2) Must broaderTranstive always be valid? 3) Is the *sole purpose* of this change to provide imperative control over a generic reasoner without using reification or other general mechanism for provenance? Would it better not to usurp those functions for what is indended to be an application profile rather than a fundamental technology. If not, could *broader* and *narrower* return to their standard semantics, a new *directlyAssertedBroader* property be define as a sub property of * broader* to convey the extra meta-semantics? That would allow the old namespace to be reused, and preserve standard semantics. 4) If a vocabulary wishes is standards compliant, must it add an explicit broader:2008 relationship for every pair of elements for which broader:2004 holds? 5) If a vocabulary does not assert explicit broader:2008 relationships wherever broader:2004 would be inferred, does that mean that the vocabulary provider is stating that *they do not support standards compliant hierarchical relationships*. 1. The domain of discourse for controlled vocabularies is the set of all Documents. 2. The standard *BT* relationship requires that the subordinate concept be entirely contained within the superordinate concept. 3. That is, the extension of the superordinate term must be a proper superset of the extension of the subordinate term. 4. A relationship that does not satisfy this requirement over all domains of documents is *not hierarchical* in Z39.19, and is *only*admissible in ISO 2788 where the domain of discourse is restricted to situations in which this contion must always be true. 5. The relationships that the standards permit as hierarchical are restricted *soley* to those that must universally apply. 6. *Parrots* *BT* *Birds* is always admissible, because *I[**Parrots** ] * ⊂ *I[**Birds**]* 7. *Parrots* *BT* *Pets* is admissible *only* *where* for subdomains where all parrots *must be* pets - for example, a corporate thesaurus for Pet Smart*, δPS* , *I[Parrots,δPS] ⊂** I[Pets**,δPS**]* Where *BT* = broader as defined in 2004 (The KOS standard Broader Term relationship) *B* = broader as defined in 2008 (Somehow more general). *BT** = transitive closure of *BT* *BTT* === broaderTransitive = *B** * I[C,Δ]* = {extension of concept C in the universe of all documents *Δ*} * I[C]* ≡ * I[C,Δ]* *I[C, δ ⊆ Δ]* = {extension of concept C in* δ* } A BT B ⊨ I[A] ⊂ I[B] ≡ ∀a. a ∈ I[A] → a ∈ I[B] NOT(A BT C) ∃a. a ∈ I[A] ^ a ∉ I[C] * A BT B ^ B BT C ^ NOT (A BT C) -> ∃a. a ∈ I[A] -> a ∈ I[B] -> a ∈ I[C] ^ a ∉ I[C] , a contradiction
Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 16:23:07 UTC