[SKOS] ISSUE-83 semantics of scheme containment properties

Hi Antoine,

I'm just trying to figure out how to implement the resolution [1] to
issue 83 [2] in the SKOS reference.

The most obvious way is to introduce a new property, called something
like skos:topConceptInScheme, and introduce two new statements into the
SKOS data model, that skos:topConceptInScheme is a sub-property of
skos:inScheme, and that skos:topConceptInScheme is the inverse of

Another way would be to avoid introducing any new properties, and to
include a new statement in the data model, something like, "the inverse
of skos:hasTopConcept is a sub-property of skos:inScheme", or "if a
scheme has a top concept, then the top concept is in that scheme",
or ... ?

At the moment I favour the first approach. It has an obvious meaning in
terms of RDFS/OWL. The second approach has no obvious translation in
RDFS/OWL, and is difficult to word.

What do you think?



[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2008May/0068.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/83

Alistair Miles
Senior Computing Officer
Image Bioinformatics Research Group
Department of Zoology
The Tinbergen Building
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
United Kingdom
Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman
Email: alistair.miles@zoo.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1865 281993

Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 13:14:48 UTC