Introduction: Jeremy Carroll, TopQuadrant




I started work at TopQuadrant last week.


We have decided on changes to make our involvement with W3C more effective.


We wish to primarily engage in the Candidate Rec phase of Semantic Web
recommendations which are supported in our product suite [1].


Moreover, I am now AC rep (although the mechanics of that change are still
with the sys-team).


First up in the category of recommendations in CR is RDFa, for which we have
support both in terms of RDFa input and, more significantly, RDFa editing,
within the TopBraid Suite.


So, TopQuadrant is joining this WG, primarily to participate in the RDFa TF
(in the short term).


In the medium term, the SKOS work is approaching last call, and the
TopQuadrant product team (which I co-manage with Holger) will be evaluating
whether we can usefully participate in the CR for SKOS.




In terms of introduction, some of you will remember from back in 2005 when I
represented HP in SWBPD WG; I have also represented HP in the GRDDL WG, as
well as in many other Semantic Web activity working groups.


I'm looking forward to working with you all again.


I am physically based in Mountain View, CA, USA, (PST).










Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 19:35:03 UTC