Re: ISSUE-82: PropertyNames


You're not making it easier :-D
But we could also imagine some vicious mind that figures out that if a 
concept "skos:note"s a literal, it is some kind of annotation for it, 
and not the other way round. It would become an interpretation even 
easier to make if we allow the range of skos:note to include for 
instance foaf:document.

Whatever happens, I think what is really important here is that we adopt 
a coherent strategy: as mentioned in [1] we've currently got a mixture 
of different conventions used for SKOS properties:
consider "inScheme" "broader" "hasTopConcept"...




> Hi,
> >From my point of view, I would rather use skos:hasNarrower rather than
> skos:hasNarrowerConcept and the same for broader properties and related
> one. The formal semantic of the properties should make it the domain and
> range of the property clear rather than its name.
> Contrary to Margherita [1], I believe that the documentation properties
> (i.e. skos:note, etc.) are self explanatory through their formal
> semantic.
> Regards,
> Quentin 
> [1]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of SWD Issue Tracker
> Sent: 22 January 2008 15:02
> To:
> Subject: ISSUE-82: PropertyNames
> ISSUE-82: PropertyNames
> Raised by: Antoine Isaac
> On product: SKOS
>> From
> or
> or
> =======
> For all relationships as already mentioned I suggest to make
> them more clear by adding the verb. For example:
>  - skos:hasNarrowerConcept
>  - skos:hasBroaderConcept
>  - skos:hasRelatedConcept
> =======
> The current SKOS specification uses the URI skos:broader, skos:narrower,
> skos:related. Should these be changed?

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 15:40:05 UTC