SWD scribe duty

Dear all,

I have revised the scribe duty list [1].  The task needs to
rotate among eleven people at this stage.  People who have
scribed more often (Alistair holds the record!) go to the
bottom of the list; people who have scribed less often or
less recently are moved towards the top.

Bernard and Michael are listed as the next two scribes.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/ScribeDuty

=== Next up ===
||                  ||Designated scribe    ||On deck        ||
||May 15            ||Bernard              ||Michael        ||
||May 22            ||Michael              ||Ben            ||
||May 29            ||Ben                  ||Elisa          ||

=== Last Scribed ===
||Bernard Horan     ||2006-11-14                       ||
||Michael Hausenblas||2007-02-27                       ||
||Ben Adida         ||2007-02-20                       ||
||Elisa Kendall     ||2007-03-06                       ||
||Jon Phipps        ||2006-12-19 2007-03-13            ||
||Daniel Rubin      ||2006-10-31 2007-01-16 2007-04-03 ||
||Diego Berrueta    ||2006-11-28 2007-01-22 2007-04-24 ||
||Sean Bechhofer    ||2006-11-21 2006-12-12 2007-04-17 ||
||Antoine Isaac     ||2006-10-24 2006-11-28 2007-01-23 2007-02-13||
||Alistair Miles    ||2006-10-17 2006-12-05 2007-01-22 2007-02-06 2007-05-08||
||Quentin Reul      ||                                 ||

Tom Baker - tbaker@tbaker.de - baker@sub.uni-goettingen.de

Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2007 06:50:44 UTC