Re: action: proposal for aligning IssuesProcess and Tracker

At 11:10 AM 2/27/2007 -0500, Jon Phipps wrote:
>This looks fine to me. Very helpful Thanks Ralph.
>On 2/27/07, Ralph R. Swick <> wrote:
>> ACTION: Ralph write a proposal for bringing  and Tracker into alignment [recorded in]

[see ]

>>If this seems reasonable, I am willing to revise IssuesProcess

Having seen support from Guus, Jon, Alistair, and Tom, I have now
updated the Wiki page [1] describing our Process for Issues Lists.


The only change I made that we did not discuss explicitly is in
the end of section 1.3 where I changed the emphasis to discourage
multiple issues in a single email rather than permitting it.

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2007 14:32:54 UTC