Re: [RDFa] Proposal for test process

Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
> All,
> To enable a smooth and reliable process regarding the 
> handling of RDFa TC, I'd like to suggest the following:

+1. Very good idea. Let's do this and keep it simple, too.


> 2. In case a (not yet covered) feature is expected 
>    to be tested, anyone may send a mail with a short
>    description to either:
>     + this list ( using
>       [RDFa-TC] as a prefix OR
>     + (yet to be established)

I vote for our existing mailing list. We all need to be involved in
making sure these test cases are correct, since we are validating our
own work :)

> BTW: I volunteer to initially fill the TCR role ;)

+1 to your doing this, you've been doing an excellent job and I'd love
to see you continue in this role more "officially."


Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 14:08:35 UTC