Re: [RDFa] Updated Javascript Library, bookmarklets, and a public version of the RDFa Clipboard

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 12:22 -0500, Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've completely revamped the RDFa Javascript implementation so that it
> runs in FF, Safari, and IE7 (and maybe IE6, I haven't checked) and
> doesn't modify the default object prototypes, meaning it should be
> compatible with more pages.
> I've also put together a public version of the RDFa clipboard that some
> of you saw at the Cambridge SemWeb get-together a month ago or so.
> Everything is available at:
> And a stable snapshot is at:
> Have fun, send comments, etc....

I also ran into the calendar testing page while I was at it...

Would you please add a little context to that page? e.g. a pointer
back to or something,
and some sort of "this is work in progress; we know it's not
valid XHTML; stay tuned" status marker?

Is that calendar testing page in the test suite? It
doesn't seem to be.
Please add it to the test suite, and/or add a link
from the calendar testing page to the test suite.

> -Ben
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 2 March 2007 18:18:01 UTC